SOL Day 15- Mornings in Maine

slice-of-life_individualSo I still don’t have my meds and in attempt to keep myself calm I’m going to slice about something that for sure lowers my blood pressure.

My father was from Boston.  He had the thickest New England accent which we swear got more pronounced with each brain surgery he endured.  We spent lots of summers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire (where my grandmother lived) growing up.

When my father passed in 2016 we were lost.  My mom wanted to take a vacation and get away for a bit.  We naturally wanted to head to New England to feel close to my dad but we weren’t ready to be inundated with memories yet.  So we decided to go to Maine.

It was still New England. We’d still hear the drawl we love.  We’d make new memories while honoring old ones.  So that’s what we did.  And that’s become a new tradition that we love.

Our favorite spot is Boothbay Harbor.  There are gorgeous views, cute little stores and restaurants, and lots of lighthouses (I have a weird obsession with lighthouses…will likely slice about that later).

We take the dog with us, because Maine is by and large a dog-friendly state.  He loves it.  He wishes we lived on the beach.  I wish we could afford to live on the beach.  We love to spend mornings at this tiny little beach by the Hendrick’s Head lighthouse.  At 6:30am it is totally deserted and we have the whole place to ourselves.  Murphy has the entire beach to run and sniff and splash. I have the entire beach to photograph.

Mornings in Maine are a peaceful time, a reflective time, and a time that I know my dad is somewhere looking down on the same beauty that I am.

9 thoughts on “SOL Day 15- Mornings in Maine

  1. This is a lovely memory and tribute. I’ve been thinking a lot about travel. We’ve had two trips cancelled, but I’m not giving up on travel dreams for 2020. If you live lighthouses, do travel the Oregon coast some time. It’s gorgeous.


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